Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon Archives - Dr. Milan Doshi

Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon

October 20, 2022
Dr Milan Doshi - Tips on Cosmetic Surgery

Tips For Cosmetic Surgery That Will Help You

Undergoing a cosmetic surgery is a major decision. There are things to consider and no amount of information is insignificant. But it is essential to filter […]
July 17, 2017
Dr -Milan-Doshi

When you pay nothing, you gain nothing

Often people wonder why they need to pay a consulting fee to their cosmetic surgeon. During a consultation very often cosmetic surgeons don’t charge a dime […]
May 8, 2017
Cosmetic Surgeon Dr Milan Doshi

Do’s And Don’ts Of Cosmetic Surgery That Will Reward You Well In The Years To Come

The desire to improve personal appearance whether through facelift, Rhinoplasty or Breast Augmentation is a highly individualised choice and a private decision. People get cosmetic surgery […]
December 28, 2012

Know your Celebrity Cosmetic Surgeon – Dr. Milan Doshi

Celebrity Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Milan Doshi (M.S., M.Ch) is internationally qualified (Member of ISAPS –International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon). With long list of satisfied […]
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