Celebrity Cosmetic Surgeon Archives - Dr. Milan Doshi

Celebrity Cosmetic Surgeon

October 20, 2022
Dr Milan Doshi - Tips on Cosmetic Surgery

Tips For Cosmetic Surgery That Will Help You

Undergoing a cosmetic surgery is a major decision. There are things to consider and no amount of information is insignificant. But it is essential to filter […]
August 14, 2022
Dr Milan Doshi - Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery To Look Like Celebrity

Cosmetic surgery has an aesthetic value like none other. A lot of cosmetic surgeries are done to save lives as well, but most are done for […]
December 18, 2017
Celebrity Cosmetic Surgeon

Importance Of Choosing A Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon

There are many who have botched surgeries at the hands of quacks and doctors who aren’t completely qualified. These people often look for easy and cheap […]
July 17, 2017
Dr -Milan-Doshi

When you pay nothing, you gain nothing

Often people wonder why they need to pay a consulting fee to their cosmetic surgeon. During a consultation very often cosmetic surgeons don’t charge a dime […]
July 3, 2017
Dr Milan Doshi Cosmetic Surgeon

Why Your Plastic Surgeon’s Credentials Matter

The number of plastic surgeons who are vying to ‘Fix You’ is quite overwhelming. The sheer number of people who try to convince you that their […]
May 22, 2017
Dr Milan Doshi

Lunch Hour Is A Perfect Time To Get A Quick Beauty Fix

Life in the corporate world is no picnic. Rising levels of stress and resorting to sedentary lifestyles has given trigger to an array of illnesses including […]
April 24, 2017
Dr Milan Doshi

Managing Patient’s Expectations And Goals Before Cosmetic Surgery

An essential aspect of ensuring a defined aesthetic goal begins with a professional relationship between a patient and surgeon. The impact of a cosmetic procedure should […]
April 10, 2017
Celebrity Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon

No guesswork on choosing the right cosmetic surgeon!

There are a slew of cosmetic procedures, tummy-tuck, breast lift, and liposuction for inner thighs or the popular nose job that can morph you into a […]
March 29, 2017
Celebrity Cosmetic Surgeon

Cosmetic Surgery – Unearthing The Better You

The advent of a brave new world has brought in many changes to the way we function. Times have changed and so have people. Our needs […]
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